Doesn’t it seem a little silly to be worrying about hair loss when covid-19 is running rampant around the world? No, it’s not silly. You know why?
Coronavirus will eventually pass and the world will return to its old self, weddings springing up here and there. The virus is not something you need to worry yourself over. Yes, it’s a good idea to exercise caution and stay healthy, but don’t let those two things dominate your life.
Postpone your wedding for a few weeks if the date is close, but one thing you should never stop doing is making plans for the big day, and that includes making sure your hair full and healthy for the grand day!
Hair loss is never a funny business. Especially for the bride-to-be. Most brides prefer to wear their hair long on their wedding day. Unfortunately, the problem of hair loss becomes an obstacle as they cannot style their bridal hair as nice as they initially planned to.
Sometimes, hair loss occurs as a result of stress, the use of wrong hair products, or not properly maintaining your hair. Whatever the cause of your hair loss, it need not come in-between you and your dream bridal hairstyle. If your wedding is fast approaching and you need to make your hair fuller before the big day, there’s good news for you. Below are a few ways to make your hair fuller so you can look as dazzling as you want on your wedding day!
· Eat the right types of food and vitamins
There are certain types of food that will make your hair grow faster. Your diet needs to be balanced with the appropriate kind of nutrients. Otherwise, it could cause your hair to have stunted growth or you might even experience hair loss.
If you want to grow long and lustrous hair, consider including the following foods to your diet. Eggs are a great source of protein which helps improve your hair conditions and lead to hair growth. Spinach has a lot of vitamins like iron, folate, and vitamins A and C-which reduces hair dryness. Fatty fish usually contain phosphorus and zinc which reduces hair loss and makes your hair stronger. Other foods include avocados, oysters, beans, etc.
· Always keep your hair moisturized
It's no news that dry scalp is one of the leading causes of hair breakage. If you really want full long hair for your wedding, you must avoid leaving your hair dry. Try to keep it moisturized at all times. It is not advisable to wash your hair too frequently but you should ensure that you apply a deep conditioner at least once a week.
· Use the right types of hair products
Using the right type of hair products goes a long way in determining the length and nature of your hair. Growing and maintaining long hair requires consistent care, which includes taking note of how each hair product affects you. Halt the use of any product that affects your hair negatively. Look for hair products that contain protein, which makes hair healthier and helps it grow longer. Try to avoid products that have silicon, sulfate, or alcohol in them.
If you follow these steps, you're sure to add some inches of healthy hair. Once it's time for the wedding, meet a professional hairstylist for your bridal hairstyle. We recommend one of the best in Las Vegas to you. is the perfect hair and makeup artist for you. You can contact us at to book your hairstyling and makeup sessions with us today.