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Stay-at-Home Hair Tips

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

Straight, curly, short, or long—we all have a hair to maintain, even during a pandemic. To help you avoid crazy quarantine hair days, here are some tips to keep your tresses healthy and looking good while you are staying at home.

1. For women who don’t have any experience experimenting with their hair yet, consider doing absolutely nothing to your hair.

2. Practice air-drying and avoid hot tools. Use this time at home to give your hair an extra TLC.

3. Do a hair mask using olive oil and honey. Coconut oil works too!

4. Growing your hair out and letting the color fade will actually give you room to try a new style once your back in our chairs!

5. Gather the right tools. Kitchen scissors are never an ideal tool for cutting hair. As an alternative, consider using a pair of craft or sewing scissors or tiny fingernail scissors.

6. Now really isn’t the best time to chop off a lot of length. Instead, cut off individual split ends.

7. Always think of realistic expectations. No matter how much YouTube videos you’ve seen, you’re not going to master the art of hair overnight. As your AleuCo hair stylist, we have spent years learning how to do this and then years and years practicing. Don’t be disappointed when your hair doesn’t look like it does after your stylist cuts it. That’s what you pay them for.

8. Call your stylist. Call us at AleuCo. Yes, we want to hear from you! We can give you some basic tips on how to maintain your hair until your next appointment.

Are you ready for the “new normal”?

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